These days the world is simplifying logos. Just look it up! Now, even Rocket Lab's logo has changed on their youtube channel. Here's the comparison. OLD: NEW: In my opinion, however, I think the new logo looks better. Post what you think in the comments below! I'll be doing a run down of Rocket Lab later. -TheRocketKid
here's the rover... way more complex than I thought... Thanks to OrB8ter for helping with the rover. Here's it on the Mun: You know, RCS is really useful... I'll give you that. But, I'm out of RCS fuel, you're on your own Antoon and Kagar. "I think I might be here for a long time" -Kagar Kerman I'll be back with another Hab/building on the mun
Hi! It's the RocketKid/AndrewtheGreat and today we are talking about the greatest rockets of all time. (This is not biased toward the west and includes the east) 1. Saturn V ( Apollo missions ) You know it, you love it it's the SATURN V. This rocket is still currently the largest rocket in history. (For now.....) This beast of a rocket took humans to the moon, including Apollo 11. The Saturn V is one of the only rockets in the world with a 100% success rate. Compared to the shuttle which had about 40% of success rate. Some people might say that Apollo 13 was a Saturn V failure. But, that was the Service module that had the problem. Not the Saturn V's S-IVB stage/Stage3. Apollo 1 is also sometimes mistaken for a Saturn V fail. But, that rocket was a Saturn-1B, also the problem was the command module. Not the rocket itself. 2. The Falcon-9 You know this rocket... Elon Musk's company SpaceX has mastered the propulsive landing method with this rocket. Before, rocket sta...
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